Why join Clackmannanshire Credit Union?

Clackmannanshire Credit Union is a member-owned organisation. It is run by a Board of Directors elected by the Membership at the Annual General Meeting. Each adult member has one vote irrespective of the size of their share balance. Any surplus earned by the Credit Union is returned to the membership via a dividend and/or used to improve services.

Who can join?

Anyone who lives or works in Clackmannanshire, the city of Stirling or Kincardine ( on-Forth) is eligible to join. Adult members must be 16 years or older.

Junior membership is available for anyone under 16 years of age and the account must be opened and operated by the Parent/Guardian.

Corporate membership is also available for groups/charities/societies/etc that operate within our area. We require two signatories to open the account and each must provide evidence of their identity and address. We also require evidence that the group operate within Clackmannanshire, Stirling or Kincardine. Corporate members are entitled to nominate one person to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

What is expected of me?

Clackmannanshire Credit Union is primarily a savings organisation and we ask all members to commit to saving regularly. Even £1 per week is sufficient to start a savings habit and savings are the life-blood of the Credit Union. An adult member must keep a minimum of £5 in their share account. If the share balance falls below this, the account must be closed. A junior member must keep a minimum of £1 in their share account. The maximum that can be saved is £15,000 for individual accounts and £30,000 for joint accounts

How do I join?

The quickest way for Adult members to join is to send us an email asking for a membership application form. The form would be sent to you via our secure electronic verification app, Signable, and requires that you upload photos or scans of documents. A list of acceptable documents is included on the form. Once the form is completed it automatically returns to us. Once an account is opened we would send you details of how to fund the account. (Please note that Corporate accounts can only be opened at our office)

Alternatively, you could visit our office with the required documents*.

N.B. *We do not accept photocopies of documents.

The office is open on Monday 10-12, Wednesday 10-12 and Friday 1.30-3.30

There is a joining fee of £2 for adult members – there is no joining fee for Junior membership.

If you wish to apply in person at our office a form can be downloaded and then printed from the list below . You can also obtain an application form at our office i.e. 8 Bank Street, Alloa, FK10 1HP.

Membership Application Adult

Membership Application Joint Adult

Membership Application Junior

Membership Application Corporate

Completed forms should be returned to our office along with necessary documents and the minimum sum needed:- 

i.e.   £7 for adults and corporate members, £1 for juniors.

How safe are savings with Clackmannanshire Credit Union?

Your money is absolutely safe with Clackmannanshire Credit Union. All deposits with the Credit Union are backed by the FSCS up to £85,000 for each account holder. Joint account holders have a guarantee of £85,000 each.

We are authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority(PRA) and are regulated  by the PRA and the Financial Conduct Authority(FCA) and must make regular returns to them to verify our financial health.

Many members find it convenient to save with the Credit Union via a regular standing order from your bank account. To set up a standing order download and fill out the  form below, and give it to your bank. If you have internet banking you can set up the standing order yourself but please make sure that you put your credit union account number as the payment reference. We need this number in order to make sure that your money is credited to your account.

Standing Order Mandate