Every member of the credit union is a saver and, whether you are putting away a little or a lot, everyone is encouraged to save regularly. We offer a range of savings accounts all covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme so you know your savings are safe and secure.

Ways to pay

  • Cash at our office
  • Standing order direct from a bank or building society account
  • Cheque made payable to Clackmannanshire Credit Union Limited
  • DWP benefits can be paid direct to your account
  • Payroll deduction straight from your salary – your employer not currently offering this then ask them to get in touch with us!

The tables below show how quickly your savings can add up.

Amount Saved weekly £5 £10 £15 £20 £25
Year 1 £260 £520 £780 £1,040 £1,300
Year 2 £520 £1,040 £1,560 £2,080 £2,600
Year 3 £780 £1,560 £2,340 £3,120 £3,900
Year 4 £1,040 £2,080 £3,120 £4,160 £5,200
Year 5 £1,300 £2,600 £3,900 £5,200 £6,500
Amount Saved monthly £20 £30 £40 £50 £100
Year 1 £240 £360 £480 £600 £1,200
Year 2 £480 £720 £960 £1,200 £2,400
Year 3 £720 £1,080 £1,440 £1,800 £3,600
Year 4 £960 £1,440 £1,920 £2,400 £4,800
Year 5 £1,200 £1,800 £2,400 £3,000 £6,000